Monday, July 20, 2009

my fiirsZt

OkiisZ..w3ll thiisZ iisZ liik3 my fiirst tiim3 wriitiing oOn my blOg..Lolzz
trU3 stOrii..Lolzz..diidn't knOw hOw thiisZ blOg thiingy wOrksZ..Lolzz..still hav3 nOt th3 sligest iid3a..Lolzz..but ii gu3ss 'am g3ttiing iit..Lolzz..sOonn3r oOr latt3r..Lolzz

aniiwaiisZ..w3ll..ii mad3 a blOg 'caUsZ3d...Lolzz..actUally ii dOn't quiit3 know why i did a blog..but it seems that everibody got one..and i was lik3 "man i need to make one too"..lmaOo..OkiisZ it wasn't lik3 all..Lolzz..mayb3 just a biitt..Lolzz..oOr mayb3 iit wasZ actually all th3 way..Lolzz

w3ll ii hav3 a blog now..kOol..don't U gUysZ oOr giirLsZ..(ii m3an aniioOnn3 who iisZ r3adiing thiisZ nonsense)..Lolzz..thiink:?
ii thiink iisZ kiind oOf kOol that ii hav3 a blog..lmaOo..ii m3an ii can start by writing blogs..because i actually want people to read them..Lolzz i'm 11:16 in the night trying to write normal and something that actually makes sense..Lolzz..well this is first suck ass actually sucks..and 'am writing that because it's the wide::ugly truth<<<<..Lolzz

OkiisZ abOut tO put it on twitter..Lolzz

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